shinybrms 1.8.0 (2022-08-05)
Major changes
- The threshold for worrying E-BFMI values was increased from 0.2 to 0.3 (to
comply with Betancourt, 2018,
- The term "pooled" (effects) is replaced by "population-level" (effects).
Correspondingly, the term "partially pooled" (effects) is replaced by
"group-level" (effects). In v1.6.0, the term "pooled" was introduced as an
improvement for continuous predictors (which cannot have partially pooled or
group-level effects), but this now turned out to be incorrect for those
categorical predictors which do not have partially pooled effects. The
"population-level"/"group-level" terminology is used in brms, so it makes
sense already in terms of consistency to use it in shinybrms, too.
Minor changes
- In the table showing the default priors, column "Prior" should not have any
empty fields anymore. The reason for this change is that empty fields arising
from a flat prior could have been confounded too easily with empty fields
arising from the vectorization ("inheritance") of the prior within a given
parameter class. This was especially problematic because the former help text
underneath the table was worded mistakably.
- A recompilation of the C++ code is now avoided more often. More specifically,
affected cases are those where
is used with a formula
that was extended on its right-hand side. In those cases, shinybrms now
avoids a recompilation by specifying argument newdata
- The
family has been removed from the drop-down
list of advanced distributional families, due to brms's issue
(Note that before, the brms::gen_extreme_value()
family was misclassified
under "Continuous outcome on the positive real line": In fact, the support of
this family depends on its shape parameter.)
Bug fixes
- Avoid a warning about a deprecated icon called
when launching the
app. This required increasing the required shiny version to 1.7.0.
shinybrms 1.7.0 (2022-04-26)
Major changes
- Support for more distributional families for the outcome.
Minor changes
- Use a darker gray color for help texts (which constitute the majority of the
in-app text). This should make them easier to read and reduce the contrast with
regard to the dark red hyperlinks.
- Adapt to changes in brms's CRAN version 2.17.0.
- Perform some basic sanity checks with respect to bounds of custom priors.
- Enhance and generalize the help text for the link functions.
Bug fixes
- Previously, advanced option "Range of random initial values [...]" could have
had an effect even if "Zero" was chosen under "Initial values" (namely, for the
cmdstanr backend in brms versions <= 2.16.3). Now, advanced option
"Range of random initial values [...]" only has an effect if "Random" is chosen
under "Initial values".
- Show errors thrown by
to the user.
shinybrms 1.6.0 (2021-11-04)
Major changes
- Allow for
terms without the need to resort to the previous
workaround based on a constant()
prior (see brms's GitHub issue
#923 solved in brms
v2.16.0). This increases the required brms version to at least 2.16.0.
- Allow the upload of a previously created
object (page "Posterior",
tab "Run Stan", panel "Run Stan"). This required increasing the default size
limit for file uploads (global option shiny.maxRequestSize
; now at 50 MB if
not set by the user).
- If a previous
exists (i.e., it is currently presented on page
"Posterior"), then---if possible---a click on the "Run Stan" button causes this
previous brmsfit
to get updated using brms:::update.brmsfit()
, saving the
compilation time. Note that shinybrms automatically takes care of the fact
that brms:::update.brmsfit()
does not recompute the default priors if the
dataset has changed. However, for uploaded brmsfit
s which were not fitted
through shinybrms, this is not possible (and for uploaded brmsfit
s which
were fitted through shinybrms, this is still complicated), so an uploaded
may not be updated. The updating of a previous brmsfit
may be turned
off using the global option shinybrms.allow_upd
(see ?launch_shinybrms
- Allow the cmdstanr backend for brms. The global option
can be used to control the default backend selected in the "Advanced options" in
the shinybrms app (see ?launch_shinybrms
for details).
- Replace the term "nonpooled" (effects) by "pooled" (effects). This confusion
was introduced by the replacement of "nonvarying" (effects) by "nonpooled"
(effects) in v1.3.0 (which was obviously incorrect since "pooled" is the
opposite of "varying").
Minor changes
- UI: Minor formatting and wording improvements in help texts and other UI
- UI: In case of a failed file upload, a modal dialog is shown now (instead of a
notification in the lower right corner).
- Theme: Some colors have been slightly changed to match the overall theme
- Improved documentation of global options used by shinybrms.
- Page "Posterior" (tab "Run Stan", panel "Run Stan") now also shows important
software versions used for the Stan run.
- The download of the MCMC diagnostics was moved from tab "Run Stan" to tab
"MCMC diagnostics" (both on page "Posterior").
- The "Default summary" from page "Posterior" may now be downloaded (as a text
- UI: The width of some UI elements in panel "Run Stan" has been adjusted.
Bug fixes
- Clear the input field for the name of a custom summary expression as soon as
new Stan results are obtained.
- Fix a typo in the "Get started" vignette shown on the pkgdown website.
(The scale parameter for the Student-t prior is 4.)
- Fix an error for Stan runs with advanced option "Open progress" set to
shinybrms 1.5.2 (2021-10-15)
Minor changes
- Append trailing zeros in the rounding of the E-BFMI values.
- Set a minimum width for the output on tab "Default summary".
- UI: Minor wording improvements.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a NOTE occurring in some CRAN checks.
- Avoid the deprecation warning for
- UI: Fixed some typos and incorrect spacing in the text.
shinybrms 1.5.1 (2021-03-06)
Minor changes
- Renamed tab "Summary" (page "Posterior") to "Default summary".
- Improved help texts in the UI.
- Now using
parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE)
instead of
when determining the default number of cores for the
Stan run.
- Updated some references.
shinybrms 1.5.0 (2020-11-21)
Major changes
- Added the possibility to perform custom posterior summary analyses, e.g., for
a transformation of parameters or for a sum of parameters.
- Added support for conditional-effects plots (see
- Use the automatic
rstan::rstan_options("javascript" = FALSE)
fix on all
platforms (not only Windows) if rstan version 2.21.1 or above is used.
Minor changes
- Minor improvements in the documentation for
- Added CITATION file.
- Changed package description.
- Included some changes necessary for brms version 2.14.0 (and above).
- Minor cosmetic improvement in the CSS theme.
- UI: Minor improvements (e.g., in label and notification texts).
- Example dataset
: Converted column mom_hs
to factor.
- For partially pooled main effects, numeric (including integer) variables are
not allowed anymore.
- Tab "Summary": Replaced posterior mean and posterior standard deviation by
posterior median and posterior median absolute deviation, respectively.
- Tab "Summary": Increased the number of printed decimal digits from 2 to 4.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a possible security issue for the text input field "Prior distribution".
shinybrms 1.4.1 (2020-09-29)
Bug fixes
- Corrected a mistake in the DESCRIPTION file: The contributors and copyright
holders for external components have to be listed among the authors.
shinybrms 1.4.0 (2020-09-13)
Major changes
- A new theme is used for the shinybrms app. This theme is basically the
"United" theme from Bootswatch
v3.3.7 with just a few minor modifications. For the font, the "Open Sans" font
from Google Fonts is used. See the new file
"LICENSE" for details concerning the licenses of these new components.
Minor changes
- UI: Added internal links.
- On Windows with rstan version >= 2.21.1: Automatically run
rstan::rstan_options("javascript" = FALSE)
at the launch of the shinybrms
app to prevent occasional crashes of the R session when starting the Stan run.
- UI: Minor improvements (e.g., improved button labels and help texts).
- When specifying a custom prior and switching the class or the coefficient, the
input field for the group is now only cleared (automatically) if necessary.
Before, it was cleared at every change of class or coefficient (provided that
the clearing was allowed, meaning that such a combination was present in the
table of the default priors).
- When updating the selections for the class or the coefficient of a custom
prior, the former value is now selected if it exists among the new choices.
- When deselecting a variable from the list for the nonpooled main effects or
deselecting a variable from the list for the partially pooled main effects, the
interactions involving this variable are now reduced to the corresponding
lower-order interactions (instead of being simply removed).
Bug fixes
- Fixed the bug that when setting the input field "Group" (of a custom prior) to
a nonempty value and later switching back to an empty value, the "Group" was
empty in the UI, but internally, the former value was kept. This bug was solved
by initializing the input field "Group" with a choose prompt (which made it
necessary to catch impossible combinations of "Class", "Coefficient", and
"Group" with a user notification).
shinybrms 1.3.0 (2020-08-06)
Major changes
- Added a description how to include an offset. For this, the required version
of brms had to be increased to 2.13.3.
- Removed page "Help" (which was listed under "More"). Its content is now
located at other (more appropriate) places in the shinybrms app.
- Added a page "References" (listed under "More").
- Added a page "Home".
- Up to now, some general MCMC diagnostics (R-hat, bulk-ESS, tail-ESS) were only
included implicitly (as part of the warnings introduced in version 1.2.2),
besides being accessible from within the shinystan app. Now, these general
MCMC diagnostics are accessible from within the shinybrms app and the
warnings from version 1.2.2 are handled differently.
- Restructured page "Posterior".
- Use the term "nonpooled effects" instead of "nonvarying effects" and the term
"partially pooled effects" instead of "varying effects".
Minor changes
- Added example dataset
from package rstanarm.
- Minor improvements on pages "About" and "Links" (both listed under "More").
- Minor improvements in the README file.
- Added the possibility to download the MCMC diagnostics (including the newly
added general MCMC diagnostics).
- Minor improvements in the UI (e.g., improved and added help texts and
notifications, but also added hyperlinks to the online documentation of R
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug when switching the dataset.
shinybrms 1.2.2
Minor changes
- Show more warnings from the Stan run. Some of these additional warnings
overlap with the HMC diagnostics added in v1.2.0, but rather show too many
warnings (even if they are partly duplicated) than too few.
- Minor improvements in the UI.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a NOTE occurring in some CRAN checks.
shinybrms 1.2.1 (2020-06-25)
Minor changes
- Updated information about the shinybrms package and app (e.g., added the
URL of the shinybrms website).
- Minor improvements in the UI.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the sampling progress file not to open up if RStudio's
was used for option "browser"
shinybrms 1.2.0
Major changes
- Show Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) diagnostics in the "Output" panel on page
Minor changes
- Require R >= 3.6.0.
- Added a package logo created with
- Added a package website built with
Bug fixes
- Fixed a NOTE occurring in some CRAN checks.
shinybrms 1.1.0 (2020-06-09)
Major changes
- Added the possibility to include varying effects.
Minor changes
- Allowed *.dat files in the file upload.
- Changed the way how RStudio's default setting for the global option
is avoided. Most importantly, option shinybrms.RStudio_browser
was removed and
replaced by the two new options shinybrms.prog_browser
- Removed argument
from shinybrms::launch_shinybrms()
so that
the default from shiny::runApp()
is used.
- User interface (UI): Numerous minor improvements, especially concerning button
labels, input fields, help texts, and notifications.
- For the "Advanced options" (for brms and Stan): Use explicit default
values and show them to the user. Set
per default to 0.95 as done
in package rstanarm. Set max_treedepth
per default to 15 as done for most
models in rstanarm.
- Added the possibility to download the matrix of posterior draws as a CSV file.
- Automatically create the R objects needed for the posterior predictive checks
in shinystan.
- Removed some example datasets and added new ones.
- Restricted the choices for the outcome and the predictor selections (e.g., the
outcome variable is now automatically removed from the list of possible
predictor variables).
- It is now possible to remove interaction terms one by one.
- All predictor terms (main effects as well as interactions) are now shown in a
preview table.
Bug fixes
"Under the hood", there have been many changes which should make the
shinybrms app more stable. In particular, the following bugs have been
- Fixed a bug preventing the progress file from opening up on Linux (when
started interactively from the terminal).
- Fixed a bug causing the app to crash when selecting a new dataset after having
constructed the model formula and chosen the distributional family for an older
- Fixed a bug making it possible to add an interaction term and then remove the
main effect of an involved predictor variable while keeping the interaction term
involving it.
- Fixed a bug making it possible to add an already existing interaction term
with a different order of the involved predictor variables.
- Fixed a bug making it possible to clear the selection of an example dataset or
the outcome, but to keep showing the default priors and the custom priors for
the former selection.
- Fixed a bug making it possible to keep the outcome and the predictor variables
selected when clearing the selection of an example dataset.
- Fixed a bug causing the app to crash if the dataset was changed under certain
shinybrms 1.0.1 (2020-03-26)
Bug fixes
- Example datasets:
- Added packages required for some example datasets to the
"Suggests" list.
- Check for availability of packages required for some example
- Added links to the online example datasets on page "Links".
shinybrms 1.0.0
First release. Offers support for Bayesian regression models with a Gaussian,
Bernoulli, or negative binomial distribution for the (univariate) outcome. For
the predictors, only nonvarying (a.k.a. population-level or "fixed") effects are
supported. Varying (a.k.a. group-level or "random") effects are not supported
yet. Neither supported are most of
brms's other features, like
monotonic effects for ordinal predictors or non-linear effects. Interactions are
supported, though. For the inspection of the output, only a short summary (from
) and the possibility to launch
shinystan is offered.